Data Model Jump-Start Training
Clients often ask: “Are there any standard ways to model our common data structures? Surely we are not the first company to model standard constructs like customer relationships, sales transactions or purchase orders!”
Experience has shown that more than 60% of a data model (corporate or logical) or data warehouse design consists of common constructs that are applicable to most enterprises. This means that most data modeling or data warehouse design efforts spend as much as 60% of their time and budget creating constructs that have been built many, many times before! Doesn’t it make sense, then, to have a source for these common constructs? Get a head start on your data model or multi-dimensional modeling efforts and stop “reinventing the wheel” each time you develop a new system!
Additionally, how many times have you taken a course with simplified examples and then had difficulty in applying them in a complex real world environment? Why not learn through real world examples illustrating effective and ineffective ways of modeling?
Course Description
This interactive seminar starts with data modeling fundamentals and then walks you through the process of using common or “Universal Data Models” for data modeling You will leave not only with the concepts behind these models, but also with actual models customized for your organization. We will examine many data modeling, data warehouse, and enterprise data administration pitfalls and learn how to avoid them. These models, hints, and techniques could save your organization a great deal of time and money by avoiding unnecessary redevelopment costs!
This dramatically different seminar teaches data modeling by example. Other seminars focus on the techniques and methodologies behind data modeling. We will provide an overall data modeling fundamentals section on the beginning of the first day, and then we will mainly teach by allowing the student to see real life examples of models. The participants can then use these to help create data models for their organization —you will build on the examples presented, to develop your own data models that you can use immediately to jump-start your own efforts.
This interactive tutorial will provide participants with a powerful toolkit of “Universal Data Models” that can be the starting point for quality and integrated data architectures, databases and data warehouses.
This seminar will provide:
A data modeling fundamentals section – a fast track approach to learning data modeling techniques. This includes defining entities, relationships, sub-entities, types versus instances, cardinality, optionality, unique identifiers, attributes, recursions, exclusive arcs, normalization
A broad range of common, re-usable, “Universal Data Models” allowing you to jump start and quality assure your efforts. This course includes many structures that can be used to track CRM information, supply side processing, sales transactions and analysis, and much more. For example, it will include constructs for modeling people, organizations, relationships, contacts, products (goods and/or services), pricing of agreements and products, orders and sales transactions, shipments, invoices, work efforts, accounting, budgeting, web visits, server hits and additional e-commerce data structures. The content of the course will vary, depending on each enterprises needs, and will be customized to cover pertinent constructs for the enterprise taking the course.
Common pitfalls in data modeling and data warehousing modeling and “War stories” illustrating consequences of incorrect modeling
Explanations of alternative data warehouse and multidimensional approaches and how to convert logical data models into a data warehouse design. An explanation of common data warehouse design
approaches and architectures along with pros and cons of each approach will be provided. Also included will be an eight step design process for converting data models into data warehouse designs taking into consideration historical time factors, granularity considerations, and various common denormalizations used in data warehousing.
Overview of Data Warehousing, Master Data Management, Metadata, and Enterprise Data Governance and how data modeling and Universal Data Models and Patterns apply to these areas.
Optionally, a multiple choice exam for the participants/students to test their understanding. The data models provided in this seminar are robust and have been successfully implemented in a great variety of organizations.
Who Should Attend
Data modelers, data warehouse designers, data analysts, data administrators, database designers, database administrators, database consultants and any other information systems professionals who need to be involved in data warehouse designs, data models, database designs, and data integration issues.
Course Outline and Schedule
Day 1:
1.Introduction to Advanced Data Modeling, Patterns, Universal Data Models, and Enterprise Data Management
Overview of data management and data modeling
What is needed for advanced data modeling
What are Universal Patterns?
What are Universal Data Models (UDM)? What are the benefits?
Examples of how other organizations have used UDM and Patterns
Data warehousing, master data management, metadata management, data quality, enterprise data governance,
The following sections include modeling techniques, pitfalls, “war stories” of incorrect modeling, and “best practice” techniques. Each section also includes a workshop in which you customize models for your organization.
2. Advanced-Data Modeling Concepts
Types of data models to use, their purpose and nature
Abstract versus specific modeling
Variations on data modeling standards
Modeling subtypes
Modeling business rules
Definitions for entities and attributes
Modeling systems information
Surrogate keys versus natural keys
Modeling historical information
Who makes the final modeling decision?
Guidelines for converting logical to physical
Day 2:
3. Universal Patterns – Powerful, advanced, essential concepts in data modeling
Declarative roles
Exercise: Applying roles
Contextual roles
Exercise: Applying roles
Statuses modeled specifically
Statuses modeled abstractly
Exercise: Applying recursions
Categorizations modeled specifically
Categorizations modeled abstractly
Exercise: Applying recursions
Recursions modeled specifically
Recursions modeled abstractly
Exercise: Applying recursions
Type versus instance
Pattern for types versus instances
Applying type versus instance pattern
Pattern for modeling business rules
Applying business rules pattern
Case Study Exercise; Identifying and picking appropriate patterns
Day 3:
4. People and Organization Data Models
Person models
Organizations models
Relationships between parties
Addresses and other contact management information
Data modeling exercise – applying the models
5. Product Data Models
Product definition
Part definition
Product and part components, substitutions, and obsolescence
Inventory and inventory item configurations
Product pricing and costing
Data modeling exercise – applying the models
6. Orders and Agreements Data Models
Order header and items
Order header information such as status and terms
Orders and adjustments
Order dependencies (such as backorders or related purchase orders)
Order relationships such as bill to, ship to, taken by, placing party, etc.
Agreements and/or contractual terms
Data modeling exercise – applying the models
7. Delivery/shipments Data Models
Shipment header and detail information
Shipment method such as types of vehicles used in shipments
Order and shipment associations
Day 4:
8. Work Effort Data Models
Work efforts and project management
Work tasks and scheduling resources
Time entries
Process plans
Work Efforts Applied to projects, maintenance, productions runs other types of work
Data modeling exercise – applying the models
9. Invoicing, Payments, and General Ledger to Track Revenue and Costs
Invoice header and detail
Invoice and shipment association
Billing accounts and other invoicing information
General Ledger Accounts
Data modeling exercise – applying the models to your organization
10. Human resources models
Reporting structures
Authorizations and responsibilities
Other human resources models
Data modeling exercise – Applying the models
11. Applying the UDM in various industries
How to extend the patterns and UDMs for use in various industries
Health Care
Financial Services
Other industries
Day 5: Enterprise Data Management Topics
12. Data Warehousing
Data warehouse architecture considerations
Practical Consideration for Using and Implementing patterns and universal data models
in data warehousing
Transformation steps to converting the UDM to a data warehouse design
Workshop Exercise Enhancing an Existing Data Warehouse Design
Data mart method—a practical approach to designing data marts
Examples of data mart designs using universal data models
Workshop exercise - Creating a data mart design using a universal data model
13. Master Data Management
What is master data management
Master data management strategies
Applying advance data models, patterns, universal data models to master data
management solutions
Workshop exercise – Developing a master data management solution
14. Metadata Management
What is meta data?
Why is it important?
Critical success factors
Best practices
Within data management
Meta data strategies
Meta data requirements
Meta data architectures
Industry standards
Workshop exercise
15. Enterprise Data Governance
What is enterprise data governance
How to really make integration happen!
What is needed for data integration and governance
Strategies for data governance
Human dynamics for data governance and data integration
Understand motivations
Have a clear, compelling, common vision
Integration requires trust
Gaining Involvement
Appreciate perspectives versus being right
Workshop Exercises
16. Data Modeling for Emerging Trends
UDMs and modeling for big data
UDMs and modeling for data science
UDMs and modeling for other emerging trends
17. Course conclusion
Summary of concepts and learnings